Sunday, March 29, 2009

been sick for 2 weeks now

so for 2 weeks now i have been really sick and i can't seme to shake it, i keep losing my voice, and coughing and my nose hurts and so on, i am tired and i want this go leave my bodie, its making it hard to do normal things when you feel like crap, i am taking cold meds but they dont seeming to be working so who knows lol, anyways i thought i would keep you all updated, jay had a interview with this company and so far it went really well, and he has to have like 2 more interviews before he finds out that if he got the job or not, and if he did that means were moving back to vegas, lol. but thats all been said before so now its a wait and see.
anyways, like next month, they coming into our condo for 5 days to tare holes in the walls and fix things that are broken so this should be fun, and exciting not.... anyways i am gonna go, ill write later

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

recent pics of the kiddies :P

heres some recent pics of my kids hope you all enjoy :P

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playdate at the park

So the kids and i had at playdate at the park, and it was fun, katie was there with her son, but it was hella windy LOL, but heres the picks of our day at the park. enjoy

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about our cats

So we had to give louie back, he ended up peeing on me again and we took him to the vet and they said that he was just unhappy in our home, makes me sad cuz he never had a problem them it just happen, misty didnt want him around either she was always a scary cat around him never played never came out, now she is always out always looking for love, and is happy. I hope louie gets a better home, and enjoys it ill always care for louie :P
but heres some pics of my pretty kitty misty :P

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Katie is here

hey there everyone well lets see, katie is still here, and she leaves sunday and it will be sad when she goes, i like having her here, makes me want to live closer to her in vegas, well i just wanted to try something out, and see if it work ill write later :P