Friday, October 30, 2009

reopen my blog

so i reopen my blog and deleted somethings that didnt need to be read i feel better now and there is no need for them to be on here :P so i am getting ready for tomorrow and i have lots to do :(

Friday, October 23, 2009

frustrated and thoughts on things

You this week lots of things have frustrated me, from home life to my kids, but i let it go, somethings i just dont understand anymore, and it frustrated me, i mean how many times must u tell a kid to pee in the potty its like talking to a brick wall, and i am to my witts end with him, sabrina is doing good she is sleeping and not peeing in her bed and i am so proud of her it makes me happy and thats what i need right now, i mean after all this frustrating crap stuff like that makes me happy and stuff like this is what being a mom is all about.

so halloween is coming up and i am excited to a point, i mean i havent even started thinking about it yet adn what i am going to do, i will be married 4 years on halloween and i am happy about that and i dont think were doing anything since its halloween and we will be doing the day for the kids but oh well thats how it goes....

then after halloween i have my driving test and well i hope i pass i know it will make lots of people happy but mainly it will make me happy its what i need, its what i want, and i hope i can pass damnit i know i fucking can i just hate our truck but if i think of it as a escalade it will be great.

My dad seems to be doing okay with the lost of his daughter he dont really want to talk about it and i dont blame him i dont talk about it either its not my place, but other then that i am fine. nothing is going on, i had fun at fright dome i had fun speading the day with hubby need more of them, want more of them wish for of them but oh well, it was also very upsetting, i mean they say all this saw crap and and there was one thing,but i did see micheal myers and that was cool he was tall but still scary. and i cryed on the chaos cuz I HATE that ride but i was more worried about hubby i seem to worrie about others more then myself but thats how i am. but i had fun but not wortht the money could have bough something else.

anyways i have been depressed lately mainly personal issues i have with myself but oh well ill deal with them i always do, i thinik if i get my liceance ill go to the gym, might as well feel hot again, need that feeling havent felt that in a while but oh well, i mean i liked to be back to the size i was in school, i will say i was pretty smoken back then HAHAHA .. ya anyways moving on.....

so brina birthday is coming up soon and i dont know what i want to get her, i know that if i get my licance i want to put her in dance class and maybe go back to school or do online school so i am more then just a mom, and have something else behind me, i think being a party planner/wedding planner would be cool, or being a nurse might be fun but ihate needles so no, but who knows havent thought of it much, but this year is almost over and there has been lots of deaths and i hope next year is better and i hope to have a car and licance to go room room, well i better go i have a headache,


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

lots going on

Well were finally get back to normal after all the deaths we have had, we had hubby's sister, my sister then hubbys mom. but were finally get passed and doing normal things, first off, hubby and i had a date night we went to fright dome i was so excited it was saw themed well, we got there and guess what, it wasnt worth it there was only one saw thing, so i was sad, but i had fun being scared and riding the rides it was a good night not having the kids, then i got my permit re instated and guess what i take my test next month on the 23 at 2:00 i am so scared but everyone says i can do it and i know i can, so then, we also have halloween in 2 weeks and hubby and i will be married 4 years yay. i am excited about that man life has been crazy and really busy the last month and its not gonna settled down untill april LOL..

well thought i would update its been a while its cuz i forgot my password LOL and with everything going on its been hard to keep up but ill up date more i promise.

anyways better go.