Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yes were a anime family get over it!

So for 2 years now my son has been dressing up as little armstrong from full metal alchemist.. and he loves it. Yes we are a family of anime lovers. and guess what things and people in our lives make you change. You know you cant be 16 forever. We all have to grow up and as we grow up and be adults and parents and what not and have love in our life and when we find that one we want to be with forever you learn to make changes in your life for the good and some are also for the bad.....

Now people have known me from the past to be a *gangsta take no shit kinda person* guess what.. that was then this is now.. and now i am a adult and i realize that if i go and kick your ass for you being ratard... for saying or looking at me wrong... you know where thats gonna get me know where....

I have 2 kids that i have to think about before i act.. and you out there who dont have kids will learn that when you do...

now most say that jay has changed me. maybe he has.. maybe he hasnt i am not one to say he has completly i think that as i get older i start to relieze that stupid shit dont matter no more and other things do.....

YES I like anime and guess what YES I LIKE PLAYING WOW(world of warcraft) if that makes me a nerd so be it. but this nerd can still kick anyones ass if needed, HAHA....

but its hard to believe that people in this world think they will be young and 16 forever and couldnt have a care in the world and before anyone gets there boxers and panties in a knot please take your finger and pull them out if i didnt say your name i am not talking about you...

i just see people everyday acting and saying shit thats like dude i am to old for that....

Anime is not for everyone.. and guess what yes i let my kids watch anime. i take them to anime events and i let them dress up!... its all for fun and when they are old enough and dont want to do it oh well ill understand.. but anyways for 2 years now jase has been armstrong and he is so cute this year we let brina dress up as seeing what happen when she didnt wasnt something i wanted to go thru again... lol and they had a blast and they already looking forward to the next year.. his jase page i made feel free to look around and like!....

well enough anime bitching...
time to go get a drink and maybe think about some hot anime guys HAHA lol

